This is the 3rd time I’m participating in Leslie Saeta’s ‘30 Paintings in 30 Days’ challenge
except this time I’m not painting and not creating 30 works of art.
I’ve been planning to pick up lino cutting for a while so I rename the challenge:
’15 Lino’s in 30 Days’!
Cut one day, print the next.
The idea of these challenges is to create more art than you normally would, learn, have fun
and start the new year creative and productive. In a time you would rather stay in bed and
hibernate all winter do a project instead.
This idea inspired me to the following theme: hibernation/ sleep. All 15 lino’s will be of sleepy,
curled-up animals.
First in the series is this cat. Tomorrow it’s time to print!!
Edit: You can find my Sleeping Animals series here 😴
15 Lino’s in 30 Days – Day 1
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