Next to my daily drawing that Iā€™ve been doing since July 2015 Iā€™m taking on a new challenge
for the next month of January: Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days. Itā€™s a challenge created by artist
Leslie Saeta just to start painting more. There are no rules. If you canā€™t make it to 30 paintings,
no worries, even trying to do so you will have painted more than usual. The only rule is to
have fun!

My paintings are going to be in watercolour and Iā€™m pretty excited about it. The first one has
been quite a lesson because within the timeframe that I have I canā€™t do what I usually
do to finish a drawing/ painting so I have to figure out how to solve that. I got at least the
whole month of January to do that.

I found out about the challenge and Leslie Saeta through her podcast Artist Helping Artists
which I highly recommend!!

Aquarelle, 25 x 18 cm, +/-10 x 7 inch