Every forestwalk starts on my bike. From my home I cycle to the Amsterdam Forest and park
my bike at farm & pancake restaurant Meerzicht. From there I start my walk.
Last week, as I parked my bike, small silver-brown wings waved at me from the wet foliage.
It turned out to be a small butterfly 🦋
The next day the bright green hiney of a bush-cricket gleamed at me from under some leaves 🍂
That day was such a beautiful day and I saw so many different birds: blue tits, great tits,
long-tailed tits, chaffinches, goldcrests, jays, a buzzard, a pied woodpecker, a very noisy
nuthatch and finally an equally noisy wren 🎶
They were too far or too fast to draw on the spot or to take pictures so here are some feathers
they left behind 🍃