A few weeks ago I started to exercise, my way, my ‘I’m-still-having-trouble-with-my-burn-out-
way’. My energy level is still not what I want it to be and I noticed my physical condition going
down and my weight going up. So I though not to make it too difficult (I hate exercising) and
thought about what comes easy to me.

‘Riding my bike!’ So for the last couple of weeks I’ve been riding my bike 4,8 kilometres in about
20 minutes back and forth from my home to the Amsterdam Forest (Amsterdamse Bos) and
walking for half an hour in between. Not sure how fast or slow I’m going, the term right now is
while biking my legs need to hurt.

It really surprised me how easy it was to get accustomed to doing this every morning and I
really like doing it! Both the biking and the walking. The walking turns out to be a really
good start of my day, it eases my mind and it takes my mind to places I need to go to get my
creative juices flowing. Now and then I take pictures and pick up stuff I find on the dirt road
to draw later. Yay!

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Last week I totally forgot writing a blog, sorry about that! I was really busy working on a
commission that has to remain a secret for now.
So here are some hazelnuts instead

These are from my 'Drawing a Day' project on my Instagram account, you can follow me at:
https: https://instagram.com/melissa_halley/

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The last couple of weeks I didn’t spend any time on my larger drawings. I was back at cleaning
my home (as in throwing things out) so it would be a better home studio. Almost ready.

After that I had two weeks of vacation which I spend with my boyfriend and his 4 year old son.
During this time I only did my Drawing A Day which I’m managing to do so for almost a
month now.

For a large part my vacation consisted of doing things a 4 year old enjoys, mostly very active
things and the boy asking a lot of attention. Perfectly normal for a 4 year old.

What I noticed was that these small drawings I did every day formed a much needed ‘me-time’.
They drowned all the noise of the day and brought me back to myself.

So just in a few weeks these daily drawings changed from a daily task, or ‘should’ as
Elle Luna calls them, to a daily necessity or ‘must’.

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A day late but here is the result of a week (and a day) of my Drawing a Day project.
So far so good.

I try to post all my drawings (and more) on Instagram.
You can find me at: melissa_halley

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March 2013 I started my Drawing A Day sketchbook. My plan was to make a small
drawing every day that would take about 15 to 30 minutes. The idea was to draw every day
especially when I couldn’t spend that day entirely drawing or on other art related business.

It’s also a really good way to get your drawing-juices flowing.
After a month I abandoned the sketchbook, started again and so on until the beginning of
this year.

For some reason I couldn’t stick to it, every day I had more important things to do, no time and
after a while I would just forget.

I got quite upset with myself that I could not even do this little 15 minute thing.
A few months ago I made a daily plan and the Drawing A Day was part of that plan but still I
would somehow ‘forget’.

Until today…

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